Selasa, 23 Desember 2008

How to connect two computers with a USB Cable

One of the best and fastest ways for connecting two computers is by using a USB-USB cable. This process allows you to transfer files from one computer to another and share internet connection. The specific usb cable for connecting two computers is “Bridged”. Please note this might not work with cable other than “Bridged” or USB networking cable.

Two ways for Operating this cable are:-

Link Mode

The link mode function is the simplest way to select and drag files to or from the remote computer.

Network mode

To enable this function, you will have to create a network between the specific computers which will then allow you to share folders and internet access. This function mode fits well for sharing printers located on other computers and specifically for internet access.
Cable installation

To enable connection between the two computers, you should insert the CD-ROM installation of drivers and program that come with the USB-USB cable in both computers. It might happened that both drivers (network and link mode) are in a selected mode which you however you need to choose.

After installation, you can then install the cable on the cable which shall be recognized by windows. Windows will then install the correct drivers.


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